Practice Tips

Helpful Websites

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sight Reading Factory

I just discovered this cool little site. You can type in the instrument, the level of difficulty, the key, and one or two other things, and--presto!--a little sight reading piece is created! I recommend that piano students sight read every day, and this is a great way to accomplish this.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Encouraging a Love of Music

This article gives some great ways to encourage a love for music in children:

1. Listen to music.
2. Move to music.
3. Listen to rhymes and sing songs.
4. Learn and play with music toys.
5. Make homemade musical instruments.
6. Read books about music.
7. Do music-related crafts and activities.
8. Take a music class/lessons.
9. Attend live musical performances.
10. Let them make noise.
11. Learn about instruments.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Practicing Segments

Learning a piece of music one segment at a time is a good idea, but always include the beginning of the next segment. It helps to link the segments together.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hands Separate Practicing

For beginning students especially practicing hands separately is important. Taking a short phrase and mastering each hand separately not develops fingers/hands/arms technique and agility, it also brings a sense of accomplishment.

Even more experienced pianists would do well to practice tricky passages with separate hands until each hand is mastered.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Musical Expression

One aspect of playing the piano that doesn't seem to come naturally to many beginning pianists is musical expression---making the music come to life. Playing the piano is so much more that playing a series of notes in a certain rhythm. It's even more than throwing in a few dynamics and some pedaling. The pianist must discover the essence of the piece of music and express the emotion of the music. The pianist is then not just playing the piano but creating music. It's a mental thing. It's a heart and soul thing.

In this article by Lauren Thomsen, six hints are given for developing musical expression:

1. Immerse yourself in the music. Understand the explore the subtle nuances of the music.

2. Imitate. After playing a piece, sing the notes and rhythm of the music, as you remember it.

3. Move your body. If you let the music move you, the music will eventually move through you.

4. Musical walking. Take a step back and view yourself playing the piece--air piano, if you will.

5. Read along. Listen to the piece being played and follow along with the score.

6. Match inner and outer. Take time to play the music internally first, then apply that feeling and passion when you actually play the piece.

Creating music, using musical expression, is so much more enjoyable. No longer is the music flat and uninteresting. Now it lives and flourishes!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I Love This Quote by Beethoven

Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.”

 Ludwig van Beethoven