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Friday, October 31, 2014

Video #24 How to Play Faster

Another great Robert Estrin video on how to play the piano faster.

He points out that the two things that are required to increase speed is finger strength and using proper technique.

Practicing naturally will add strength. Adding scales, arpeggios and exercises to your practice that enhance that strength.

He offers a couple of ways to develop greater speed in your piano playing.

One is to practice slowly, using a metronome, increasing speed one notch at a time.

Another way is to take the piece apart, one small part at a time. Focus on mastering a particular phrase using one hand position/finger patterns. Practice that one phrase slowly, with the metronome. Gradually increase it until you can play it rapidly and fluently.

Take the next little phrase and practice it the same way.

Then then the last couple of notes of the first phrase and add them to the second phrase. Practice until flawless. Then play the entire two phrases together until mastered.

Continue through the piece.

Use minimal arm weight. The fingers are basically fluttering over the keys.

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